$89.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

20 Hr. Barre Training Payment Plan- Super Early Registration

Payment Plan: 3 monthly payments of $89 if enrolled by 6/30 

Cancellation Policy:

A 10% non-refundable deposit is included in the registration fee for all trainings.  Registrations cancelled more than 30 days in advance of the program start date will receive a full refund minus this 10% deposit.  Trainings cancelled 14-30 days from the program start date will receive a 50% refund.  There are no refunds for trainings cancelled within 14 days of the program start date, although you may apply registration fees paid minus the 10% non-refundable deposit to the next available training of the same type.  There are no refunds or credits available after the program starts. 


Payment Plans:

Payment plans are designed to help make our teacher trainings more affordable. You will not receive your certification until your training tuition has been paid in full.